The day after the yard sale, I tried calling places to donate stuff and it was clear that it was very hard to get rid of it all! No one wanted the books and the rest of it - well they would come get it if it was "worthy".
All the little stuff that did not sell I had to bag up and take to the dump. So sad. No one wanted it.
I had a ton of books left. And I could not fathom taking them to the trash. So I put them all in the van and I drove 400 miles round trip to Naomi at her work and gave them all to her. She might be able to sell some. It was worth it. If for nothing else but to honor the books.
I am focusing on all the paper in my life right now. Till the rest of the yard sale stuff is gone it seems to still be crippling to me to work on regular stuff. The empty garage is full again. It makes me feel like I didn't get rid of anything! However the bigger things being gone is good. I can feel part of that positive energy happening.

It's sorta funny...a woman walked up and asked if I had a toaster for sale. I said YES! Just give me a min. I walked in the house and emptied the crumbs out of my toaster and then went out and gave it to her. Free. As odd as this will sound it felt amazing!